valentine’s day is a day to celebrate love and to cherish the existence of the one I love. happiest birthday, Jaehyun.

Dearest Mr. Jeong, the day you were born, the world is celebrating love and loving each other a little harder than usual because you were born on February 14th, Valentine’s day, a date exist as a reminder to celebrate love, spread love and love one another. I’d like to keep in my thoughts that because you were born on the day people celebrated love, you carry such a warm loving presence in your existence.
People potray you as this ice-cold prince with little to no emotions in your soul, oh how they were ultimately wrong. You are more than just the emptiness the world tried to shape you. You exist as such a lovely soul with so much warmth to give to people around you in many little ways, be it through your short yet meaningful advices, your silly little jokes or your random motivating words. I genuinely hope people would learn to know you more deeply instead of labelling you with something that are far away from what you truly are.
To me, you are my everyday’s Valentine. It is because as I am loving you with each day that passed, I am constanty reminded of what it feels like to be loved in one of the most quiet yet safe and sound type of love. Maybe because you were born on the day of love, you make me feel seen and valid often. I view you as a sense of safeness in loving, and in the topic of love, I am a firm believer that one should feel safe and secured with the other’s present in their life so the loving could last longer. With you, I feel a sense of calmness in the midst of this busy, bustling life. I always carry your reminder with me, that to enjoy some silent times of my own so I can rest. With you, I know how to love everything calmly and softly, for love is gentle and love is in the little things. As significant as your birthday is to the day of love, I feel like your existence alone is a living proof on how someone that is made with so much love can spread tons of love and teach on how to love one another, delicately and gently.
Mr. Jeong, on your birthday, as identical as it is to the day of celebrating the feeling of love, I hope you get to receive so much warm loving from the ones you truly love. May everything you have planned for another year of growing older can be achieve successfully. Have the happiest of birthday, have a very lovely Valentine’s day. You being created into this world is as important as what love is, both filled with so much emotions and understatement that carry a lot of meanings. I hope I am able to celebrate my 20s to the fullest, the same way you have lived and loved yours so far. There are more upcoming chapters to be unlocked, more part of life to be unfolded and that means there are more love stories to be created with you. For as long as time allow, I wil try my best to be with you.
Happy 27 years of living and loving. I love you.
For Jeong Jaehyun,
written by C.